I built this clone of Hacker News to get a quick summary of articles before deciding to read them.
Summaries are cached in localStorage.
Not useful for links to social media sites.
tmvnty22 days ago
Good to see I'm not the only who wants a cleaner newsfeed to cut through this information overload noises. Coincidentally, I also spent the last weekend building a curated, HN-based newsfeed for the busy web developers: lessnews.dev[1]
MrCoffee724 days ago
This looks great! It had an unspecified error and did not generate a summary for "Grok3 Launch" article with over 1000 comments. Was that too much content for it to summarize?
Also, it looks like the "more" button at the bottom does not work. It takes me to another page that just looks like the regular user interface, without any Summarize button for each article.
spicy_ranchop24 days ago
Hey, thanks for checking it out!
Yeah, the webpage parser (https://github.com/mozilla/readability) doesn’t work well with social media sites like Twitter/X. It can summarize up to about 37,500 words, as long as the website is parsable.
I haven’t gotten around to adding pagination for the “More” pages yet. It currently only handles the home route/front page (https://news.ycombinator.com/). The cost of summaries does add up, especially on longer articles, so I wanted to limit expenses until I can find a way to keep it running while at least breaking even.
spicy_ranchop23 days ago
Pagination should be working now.
codenote23 days ago
That's an interesting attempt! I think it's a good approach for prototyping using Gistr (https://www.getgistr.com/) Are you the developer of Gistr?
spicy_ranchop23 days ago
Yeah I created Gistr recently. I've just been playing with different ways to use the summarizing tech. I found this way easier than having to install the chrome extension I made and setting up an account.
codenote22 days ago
Indeed, allowing users to try it through a demo product, rather than having them install a Chrome extension, makes it more accessible. This is insightful from a product marketing perspective. Thank you!
[deleted]22 days agocollapsed
masutaka22 days ago
Also I use the Japanese summary conveniently. :) https://catnose.me/lab/hackernews-ja
creativenolo23 days ago
This is great.
For summaries my preference-where I have the option to set it-is for a bullet pointed list over a condensed paragraph. Easier to scan and typically does better at conveying the flow of the source too.
mazzystar23 days ago
I did the same thing 3 months ago: https://zeli.app