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Show HN: EVMole for Analysing EVM Bytecode evmole.xyz

Hi HN,

I'm excited to share the latest release of EVMole, a smart contract analysis tool for Ethereum (works directly with bytecode - verified contracts are not required).

In version 0.7.1, I've added an advanced Control Flow Graph Reconstruction feature that, even though benchmarks are still coming, already outperforms every existing solution in both accuracy and speed.

In addition to the new CFG capabilities, EVMole continues to offer function selector, argument, state mutability, and storage layout analysis.

Open-source libraries are available in Rust, Python, and JavaScript.

Online Demo: https://evmole.xyz Source Code: https://github.com/cdump/evmole

I'm looking forward to your feedback and thoughts!

hn-front (c) 2024 voximity