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Show HN: Mind Map Wizard – Generate Infinite Mind Maps with AI, for Free (FOSS) mindmapwizard.com

Hi everyone,

I want to share my newest project, Mind Map Wizard - a Text to Mind Map AI that transforms your text input into a detailed mind map in seconds. Just type in your topic and go. No account required!

I want to get a solid overview of any possible topic in seconds.

You don't need an account and there's no paid option.

Features: - Simplicity: Only the essentials. Editing, sharing, downloading and creation history. All mind maps are stored locally in your browser. - Focus: Without any ads and an intuitive design, you can fully concentrate on your topics without distractions. -Local first: Data is stored locally, ensuring fast navigation and enhanced privacy.

Check out this mind map I generated about Switzerland: https://mindmapwizard.com/view?id=1739630843104

I’d love to hear your thoughts on how to improve Mind Map Wizard.

Thanks for your support!

GitHub link: https://github.com/linus-sch/Mind-Map-Wizard

kiezmolle22 days ago

I like the starting point of your project and (keeping AI hallucinations in mind) how a simple prompt can generate a quick overview that can be used to visually grasp a topic/concept: https://mindmapwizard.com/view.html?id=1740053924303

What I would like to see improved are: 1. Option to choose the format of the mind map. Hierarchical is clear, but it could branch out in all directions from a central idea instead of reading LTR like a flowchart. 2. Canvas editing mode to move the position of the branches. At the moment they are quite close together with not much space between them, which makes it difficult to read. 3. Edit the branches directly on the canvas instead of just in markdown.

There's definitely more to improve, but I think that's enough for now ;)

Hope the feedback helps, keep working on it!

linus-schop21 days ago

Noted—I'm working on it. Thanks for the feedback!

gloomyday17 days ago

That's really cool!

My suggestion would be to improve the formatting of text. It seems the LLM output is pasted directly into the branches, so some outputs from Markdown and MathJax (I think) are displayed incorrectly.

Congrats on the work!

alina_333924 days ago

This is awesome! If we ever need to talk about something we’re not familiar with, this tool gives us useful pointers and helps steer the conversation in the right direction.

linus-schop24 days ago


quinnjh24 days ago

This is extremely cool

samstave24 days ago

I love mind maps - and I used to attempt to apply them to my workflows very early on (MindMeister, and a thing called workflowy.

But do to the non-agentic nature (silos) of info placed into mind maps, and workflowy hierarchic as well as checklist_manifesto workflows, they were all still disjointed and provided negative value in the use of the APPLICATIONS -- however, their impacts on my thought process was valuable insomuch as I could visually map HOW I want the information to be represented, which, with todays toolbelt that is thankfully free to the world, I can now weave those thoughts together, and @HN has, for the last 20 years been super inspiration...

What I want from a mind mapping AI thing, is something that I often direct the bot to create, Mermaid diagrams, sanky, and export to svg... (I also have them python blender scripts... which if you havent tried that out yet, please do (tell the bot to produce a blender python script to do [blob] and then paste to blender... Super fun)

It would be interesting to have the mindmap be able to have my @codebase thrown to context and have the output an interactive with tool_tips being certain metrics from the hover, or a minimap of the codebase where that noe appears - then an .blend output such that you can take a whole mindmap, icosphere_ize the nodes...

I really want to talk to cursor through blender... (or something like that -- there were some folks who said they were making such, but they vanished.)

hn-front (c) 2024 voximity