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Show HN: Inscribed, create stop motion animation and slide powered by Excalidraw inscribed.app

Inscribed.app, a slide-based tool for creating stop motions animation and slides.

I've been writing a lot of tech content lately and needed a way to create a stop motion to visualize ideas for my blog.

I'm a big fan of Excalidraw and Apple Keynote, so this tool is an attempt to combine the UX of the two together. Sketch like Excalidraw with a slide making interface (with shortcuts) like Apple Keynote.

Features: - keyboard shortcuts: copy/paste/del, up/down navigation - adjust document size - drag and drop images - google fonts integration - presentation mode - export as GIF, or as iframe to embed everywhere you want.

Try it yourself: https://inscribed.app

Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEXE8-6yEzw

Github: https://github.com/chunrapeepat/inscribed

Hope you like it. any feedback is welcome.

anitil25 days ago

What a fantastic idea! I love using excalidraw and I've used it for making slides by just screenshotting and manually editing, this is so much nicer. I really like the example of following a flowchart as well.

One small nit - in your video you use some naughty words, if you're looking to sell this I'd consider dropping that. I probably can't share the video with my colleagues, for example

chunza2542op25 days ago

i'm glad you like it! for the naughty words, it a list of quote from my fav show, slicon valley, but yeah, i will do it better next times. appreciate your feedback.

reynaldi24 days ago

i think youtube allows you to blur some parts of your video

in case you don’t want to recreate the video

yoz25 days ago

This looks great! I love that it builds on top of existing tools has so many kinds of export already. Thank you so much for sharing it - I'm always looking for good tools for quick animation and presentations.

Like you, I'm a big fan of Keynote. It would be amazing to have Keynote-style smooth animation here too (tweening, easing curves, Magic Move, etc.), though I'm sure it would be a huge project in itself.

chunza2542op25 days ago

glad you like it! the animation features is interesting, noted.

igniuss24 days ago

Super neat! I made something similar with tldraw for presentations at my company, definitely not as clean as this! I'll be sure to give it a try for my next one

chunza2542op23 days ago

you're welcome

foz25 days ago

really nice! do you support onion-skinning for building smoother animations? Motion paths would be cool too. Ok enough ideas, it's a great project already!

mephitix25 days ago

+1, onion skinning was the first thing i was looking for given it was billed as a way to create animation.

Anyway, nice project, cool to see excalidraw hosted like this.

dmje22 days ago

Yeh, and duplicate slide option? I may be missing it, on iPad…

chunza2542op24 days ago


michaelbrave24 days ago

I primarily use excalidraw via a plugin for obsidian, I wonder what amount of effort it would take to get it running on that.

chunza2542op23 days ago

could you share the use case or elaborate more? (if you want to embed the content there you can edit on the web and export as iframe)

[deleted]25 days agocollapsed

emrekursun23 days ago

It's really a great tool, well done! I enjoy using Excalidraw, and this tool makes a lot of sense, especially with the gif feature. However, would developing such an application cause any licensing issues?

chunza2542op22 days ago

no licensing issues. Excalidraw is published under MIT license. if my project keeps developing, we can contribute some parts back to Excalidraw. this is a win-win.

reynaldi25 days ago

this looks amazing, can't wait to use it for my next articles

also nice job on the video demo, was it made using inscribed? :p

chunza2542op25 days ago

screen studio + capcut + epidermic sound (and a little bit of inscribed xd)

loa_observer25 days ago

Wow, it looks really easy to use.

chunza2542op25 days ago

thanks man

internet_points25 days ago

Pretty cool. I love Excalidraw and use it all the time, this is a nice addition :-)

chunza2542op25 days ago

glad you like it.

crashabr25 days ago


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