Uncorrelated23 days ago
I played some of this after I read the NESFab page posted about a week ago. It's an impressive NES game for any length of time spent on development, let alone a month. Now that I know that it's from the creator of NESFab, the polish makes sense -- obviously the creator is intimately familiar with both the hardware and their own development tools. Compliments must also be paid to the art and appropriately Sisyphean music.
I gave up at 35 souls.
redbell23 days ago
> The NESFab page posted about a week ago.
For reference, here's the post: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42999566
montebicyclelo23 days ago
A gameplay video at the top of the post would go a long way; for those who don't have time to click through and play on itch.io. (I see a few gifs on the itch.io page, but a longer gameplay video would be nice!)
rendaw23 days ago
This looks fantastic! Both the art and the physics!
And also thanks for screenshots! I hate when links are just to the game itself and I have to commit to playing the game to have any idea of what it's about.
Minor49er24 days ago
This feels like playing an 8-bit version of Chaotix from the Sega 32X. Also, I love the art style of this game
rolfus23 days ago
I love the gameplay mechanics and physics in this game, it really feels very sophisticated for a NES game. Also, it definitely has the era-appropriate difficulty level!
hatingisok23 days ago
Came across this a week ago and am looking forward to beating it. Had a go at it for a bit and it played really well. Love me some difficult NES games. Top!
[deleted]23 days agocollapsed