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Show HN: CSV Table – Proper GUI for View and Edit CSV, JSON csvtable.com

warpspin13 days ago

Nice little tool. Not entirely sure what kind of JSON it supports. For a test I simply threw a file I had laying around at it (which basically contained a data array hidden in an object, a not sooo exotic format) and it simply did not react at all, no error message or any hint to what it supports.

What does it support? Plain JSON Arrays? ND-JSON?

lscmdop13 days ago

Thanks, you'll need to choose the file (drag and drop into the app hasn't support yet, but will be added soon)

At the moment, it supports JSON with array of object

lscmdop10 days ago

Update: Drag and drop file should work now :)

alsetmusic15 days ago

Looks like a first-class Mac app. Can’t wait to try it later. However, the pricing section broke when I scrolled to it on Safari 18.1 (19619., 19619) on 14.7.1. The text escaped the rounded-rect borders.

lscmdop15 days ago

Thank you, I'll update it

gewhatlotor200713 days ago


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