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About dn42 dn42.dev

hbogerta day ago

this was super fun when i configured this a couple of years ago. Had a couple of chats with really smart people. They helped me a lot.

Would be fun to connect my k8s cluster to it.

Borg34 days ago

I think there should be more networks like this. Not necessary for learning, but to provide interesting services.

Im not fan of anonymous model. Pseudo anonymous one seems to fit better. You still protect your identity by providing handle (or IP), so reputation matters.

melson4 days ago

I'm already announcing my dn42 addresses and it's good for networking enthusiasts who want to study BGP, MPLS, VPN etc

NikkiA4 days ago

> Network addresses are assigned in the range

well done on making it easy for authoritative organisations to block

Darkskiez4 days ago

This is in the private address space like, blocking doesn't make sense in this context.

userbinator4 days ago

Most people who are only vaguely familiar with networking seem to be able to remember 10/8 and 192.168/16, but the 172.16/12 range is for some reason rather elusive --- I suspect it's not as commonly used as the other two.

aragilar3 days ago

I think it usually gets used by VM/container networks (maybe there's some historic reason)? I have seen it once used on a hotel WiFi network (as I was unable to connect because of docker conflicting).

buhfur3 days ago

Not sure i'm following what you mean , could you elaborate further ?

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