Hacker News

Deep learning-based detection of qanat water systems using spy satellite imagery sciencedirect.com

usgroupa day ago

There is a little bit more here:


For some reason, the article is inaccessible at the time of writing, but it seems to be using a military satellite to map ancient (and presumably shallow) underground water canals for archeological purposes.

myflash132 days ago

The military applications are obvious, I assume. "Qanat" might even be a code word for terrorist hideout and underground infrastructure.

anonymous_user92 days ago

This is just racism.

Yasurakaa day ago

GP might have meant that the researchers are veiling their actual goal, in the vein of "detecting humans in drone feeds and autonomously dropping bandages on them for search and rescue"

heavyset_goa day ago

This is how I interpreted the comment.

Spy satellites surveying Iran in order to detect underground water infrastructure seems like, to me, the ulterior motive is to identify infrastructure so that it can be compromised in some way, likely with drones and bombs.

eriea day ago

'The answer appears to be yes. Both Arabic qanāt and Greek kánna are related to the Akkadian qanû, meaning "reed". The Greek word became latin canna for cane, then canalis for pipe or channel. See this entry in the Etymological Dictionary of Arabic for more: https://www2.hf.uio.no/polyglotta/index.php?page=record&view... on May 18, 2016 | parent | prev | next [–]It's the exact same thing.For example, Suez Canal is called "Qanat al-Suez" in Arabic.' https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11719441

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