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The Wes Cook Archive wescook.art

simonw2 days ago

Absolutely watch the XOXO talk by Cabel Sasser that introduced this project: https://xoxofest.com/2024/videos/cabel-sasser/

Its best to go in cold, explore the website later.

tambourine_mana day ago

I love Cabel, but for some reason his anxiousness while talking was a bit unnerving to watch. I kept trying to breathe on his behalf.

vienta day ago

Sounds right for a panic co-founder.

perplex2 days ago

+1 Watch the talk to the very end. It’s great.

jakespencer2 days ago

Watched it last night, it is truly magical. Go watch it before looking at the website!

grahamj2 days ago

Such a fun topic, but even more fun with Sasser being Sasser

iodavea day ago

+1 what a breath of fresh air

oatsandsugara day ago

The colors are incredible. And the shapes are unreal in like the opposite way that soviet heroism images are. I wonder what the style is called. Feels almost common with the covers of the early discworld covers, but not so grotesque?

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