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Recommended Books on Computational Complexity Theory

I am interested in computational complexity theory, especially in the discussion of the P vs NP problem and complexity classes. Could you recommend some books that provide an in-depth introduction to these topics?

sky22243 months ago

As someone else said already: Theory of Computation by Sipser is the go to intro book for this.

I'd recommend really reading the book front to back honestly. It helps to have a complete picture of everything that leads up to getting into complexity theory.

Sipser also has corresponding lectures that are available for free on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9syvZr-9xwk&list=PLidiQIHRzp....

sn93 months ago

You can also find solutions manuals in the usual places.

a_tartaruga3 months ago

Sipser is one of the best textbooks of all time from any field

bcherny3 months ago

Scott Aaronson’s Quantum Computing Since Democritus is a clear, entertaining explanation of computational complexity theory as applied to both classical and quantum computers. I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and have recommended it to a number of friends.


dysoco3 months ago

I believe I used Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Sipser for this and it's probably the one textbook most universities are going to use.

Maybe for more in depth reference about the algorithms at play Introduction to Algorithms (Cormen) will complement nicely; I don't remember how much Sipser goes into describing the algos.

dloranc3 months ago

Books I have and recommend:

Introduction to the theory of computation - Michael Sipser

Computational complexity - Arora, Barak

Computational Complexity - Christos H. Papadimitriou

Computers and intractability - Michael R. Garey, David S. Johnson

wannabebarista3 months ago

Here's some more specific recommendations from the books people have mentioned:

* Part 3 of Sipser’s Introduction to the Theory of Computation

* The first half of Arora and Barak's Computational Complexity

No one had mentioned this one yet, but it provides nice exposition: Goldreich’s Computational Complexity: a Conceptual Perspective.

Here are some notes I put together on what's out there for learning complexity theory and a bit on where you can go next: https://bcmullins.github.io/complexity_theory_resources/.

mayd3 months ago

John E. Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation.

trod1233 months ago

The Dragon Book for Compilers

dloranc3 months ago

But it's more about compilers and their design than typical ideas about computational complexity.

zfnmxt3 months ago

I personally used Sipser, but I think the book by Neil Jones [1] that takes a programming languages approach is really cool, and potentially more along the average HN reader's interests.

[1] http://hjemmesider.diku.dk/~neil/comp2book2007/book-whole.pd...

shaneevan213 months ago


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