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Ask HN: How did you started your entrepreneurship journey?

Would love to hear how did you begin your entrepreneurship journey and what was that turning point which made you believe that I need to do my own thing

JohnFen3 months ago

I've had a bent toward entrepreneurship since I was a child (probably because I grew up in a very poor family and if I wanted/needed any money I had to figure out a way to make it myself), but I started my first really serious business because of a bit of a crisis:

The company I worked for folded, I had a very young child, and the job market was disastrous in my area at the time.

That put me squarely in a "nothing to lose" place, which took the risk out of starting a business. So I did, teaming up with the president of the company that closed. That business was a modest success: it didn't make me wealthy, but it did eventually provide enough income to support my family and to allow me to bankroll my next business. It was off to the races after that.

reconqueronline3 months ago

I had always been working on side projects and began really hating working for large corporations. The ones that seem to have jobs are "defense companies" which create weapons and "big tech" which is designed to enslave people and push elite interests, both of which I resent. I realized that the cost of failing as an entrepreneur really isn't as high as many people think. Worse case, I get a 9-5 again, which is what most people do anyways.

After many years of working, I have the time and resources to pursue one of my side projects full time for a few years, an indie MMORPG as a sole developer. https://alpha.reconquer.online

I'm a good software engineer so I wanted to create something more framework based than just level design so there wouldn't be as much competition. I also felt like I was wasting my life working on other people's projects.

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