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Show HN: Todo Screenshots; take screenshot to add a todo github.com

madhavanmalolanop3 months ago

I made this because I spend a lot of my time on a mobile phone at work. I switch between slack, email and telegram in my daily work.

Many times, i make commitments to people - like, i will get back or i will follow up. But then that just gets lost in all the noise. I forget where i made those commitments.

So, i built this simple tool where each time i make such a commitment, i can just take a screenshot and share it with this app. the app will create a todo which i can mark as done later.

super simple app. do give it a swing :)

the other thing i wanted to share is that i thought this was a trivial enough app for chat gpt to make. And that's why i signed up to build this at 1am. i thought i'll be in and out quickly. I got chat gpt to write the entire code.

But ...

It didn't work. I spent hours debugging. and the errors were so small that i didn't spot it at all!

particularly this one : I needed other apps to be able to share an image with this app. On the android manifest, i needed to set a configuration called "android.intent.action.SEND"

but chat gpt gave me the code which had "android.intent.android.intent.action.SEND"

I didn't spot it at all and went down several rabbitholes to figure out why the configuration isn't being set. I thought it was a compiler issue so i did several rounds of clean builds and decompiled the build to check the configurations.

It was a nightmare.

I gave up and went to sleep.

Today morning, i rewrote the app from scratch. It took me 30 minutes. I still used chat gpt, but only for very specific mundane/boilerplate code. Everything else i wrote myself.

I find these AI tools to be incredibly useful to code, but i they are not able to build e2e systems. Even if they build something that's 80% there and i have to write only the 20% that'd be great. but i fear that's not where the state of the art is. It significantly sets you behind if you get it to write large chunks of code.

langcss3 months ago

It is a neat idea! Because often the point at which you need to add a todo you are doing it because you don't have time to do it now. Which means the screenshot UI is quick way to get the information stored (like an email, calendar appointment, or text message or photo). I see myself using it.

8mobile3 months ago

Great idea, I'll have to try it before making a judgement. Do you have an iOS version in mind? Thank you

tetek3 months ago

I made an app like that for iOS https://apps.apple.com/us/app/visuel/id6446812880, there's also a shortcut, so you can just ask Siri to save it to some category

madhavanmalolanop3 months ago

I made most of it on react native. i don't have a mac or an iphone to build the ios version tbh.

it should be a simple config change tbh. would love to merge a pr for that. else, will try borrowing a mac & iphone over the weekend :)

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