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Ask HN: What is the most challenging programming course you have taken?

I want to improve my skills further so anything that's challenging and not limited to programming courses.

Aerroon3 months ago

Logical programming (prolog).

I'm not sure I would call it the most challenging class, but it's the one where the most amount of people failed to learn anything. If I had to guess then 90% of the students (or more) ended up not being able to do anything with prolog.

I haven't seen any other class that had such an abysmally low rate of successful learning. I think the only knowledge most people took away from this class is to not use prolog.

thekemkid3 months ago

In my final semester of uni, we did an "AI" module, which involved using prolog. I didn't really grok it until the night before the final exam. Felt like I had a bit of a beautiful mind moment with all the possibilities opening up to me when it clicked.

This was my only 100% final exam module with no continuous assessment/midterm papers or exams/projects to pick up slack if I failed, so I was nervous going into it. Kinda felt like my whole degree weighed on it. That night before, I just *got it* and it made all the difference in the world. I got how powerful it is, and why to use it.

I haven't used prolog since.

AStrangeMorrow3 months ago

Back in University the prolog class required us to pick a game and write a small "AI" opponent for this game in prolog.

Either people loved the whole different paradigm of logical programming and were really invested or they just didn't want to touch it. There wasn't much in-between.

I think it is great to expose people to different things and I loved it, but I agree for many people that sent prolog straight to their blacklist

from-nibly3 months ago

Its one of those things thats very hard incrementally. I remember one of my assignments getting absolutely nowhere and then one day during my morning routine i suddenly knew the whole assignment and wrote it out in like a single minute.

gwbas1c3 months ago

> I want to improve my skills further

> Logical programming (prolog) ... but it's the one where the most amount of people failed to learn anything

I think the implication is that hnthrow098767 would like useful experience at the end of the course.

That being said: 25 years after my prolog course, and 21 years into my career, I wonder if I would take something away from it now.

haspok3 months ago

I second this. One could say that advanced type-level programming is harder to understand, for sure, but in Prolog you can be lost at the very first step, feeling completely stupid for not being able to express the simplest thing (while already being very comfortable with C-style languages).

sshine3 months ago

"Advanced Programming" at DIKU (Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen):


The course teaches Haskell, Erlang and Prolog over half a semester (7.5 ECTS).

It mainly focuses on Haskell (7 weeks?) and covers Monad/Applicative/Functor bottom-up (i.e. you define your own, rather than use mtl/transformers), property-based testing (QuickCheck, generators, shrinking), parser generators (ReadP, minus points for parsing whitespace ambiguously). It is the 1st MSc course, so those who didn't have an FP-heavy bachelor's degree will have quite a shock. The Haskell part of the exam is writing a parser and interpreter for a non-trivial DSL.

The Haskell part already blasts most people. Then comes the Erlang part (3-4 weeks), where you learn about OTP, supervisors, process hierarchies, map/reduce, or similar problems. I remember one exam was implementing a quad tree where each level in the tree was controlled by a process.

The third part is Prolog, of which only a week of the course is dedicated to. While Prolog is a little mind-blowing in itself, the fact that it's only for one week also means the Prolog part of the exam is typically only a small set of exercises, where the Haskell and Erlang parts can be hard to complete given the allocated time.

When I took the course, I started learning Haskell in the summer break before the course started. Having two months of Haskell under my belt meant I survived the course quite fine (and ended up TA'ing it several times). But I saw lots of people way smarter than me (some of whom are now CS professors) struggle quite a lot with the pace and learning style.

Definitely the hardest course. To some unreasonably.

dysoco3 months ago

Programming wise, we had a class where we had to write some image filters in pure x86_64 assembly using SIMD, it was quite hard to wrap your head around the model of vectorized operations, and more so to debug your code either with GDB or visually (sometimes you messed up slightly and the whole image was borked, sometimes the image looked perfect but it was slightly off-by-one and the tests wouldn't pass). This was just 1 of 3 projects, there was also one where you had to build a small 32 bits kernel though I had less of a bad time with that one (guess we got lucky writing the code, because debugging the GDT, etc. if you mess up a single value can be a PITA sometimes).

Moreover in the same class we also had exams, in one exercise you had to write more SIMD code in x86_64 (over images, strings of utf-8 characters, etc.) this was all in paper and no reference was allowed except the Intel Manuals; that was just one exercise there were more in systems programming, etc.

I also had a bad time with Prolog and Haskell in a Paradigms class though those exercises were a bit more bite-sized and streamlined.

Non-programming wise, I'm having the hardest time right now with a Numerical Methods class which involves a lot of proof-based linear algebra, induction over matrices, etc. I also had a bad time with a Logic and Computability class.

markus_zhang3 months ago

The SIMD and kernel ones sound promising. Does the course have a website? Thanks.

dysoco3 months ago

Sadly no, they moved all courses to a private platform, but we used a lot of external resources not too much of our own except the exercises.

The kernel development one was pretty much what you can find in the Intel Manuals + osdev wiki [1] or some of the many osdev tutorials [2].

For SIMD I'm not aware of good tutorials or books, we did use again Intel manuals for reference and also [3]. For the image filters I assume you can search algorithms for basic filters such as pixelate, edges, etc. expressed as matrix operations and see how you can write that as SIMD ops.

[1]: https://wiki.osdev.org/Expanded_Main_Page [2]: https://os.phil-opp.com/ [3]: https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/

sgarland3 months ago

A Masters’-level security course at UT Austin. The first assignment was “implement AES and RSA from scratch, without Bignum, and on RISC-V in an emulator.” Just… why.

Spoiler, I did not succeed at that, but neither did most of the class.

red_admiral3 months ago

For added "fun", if anyone succeeds you could then poke an oscilloscope at the thing and see if there's any obvious side-channel attacks. If there aren't, you get a magical exemption from the "never implement your own crypto" rule.

snvzz3 months ago

We did something similar back in the day, some 20 years ago, in an introductory course, although obviously not in RISC-V assembly.

It honestly strikes me as too trivial an exercise for masters-level.

sgarland3 months ago

The separate architecture put it over the edge for me, personally. I’m barely competent at C (especially back then) and may have been able to just manage had it been on native arch.

It did force me to get decent with bitshifts, which is always a useful skill. I found this [0] article about doing so with the 68000, and adapted it.

[0]: https://web.archive.org/web/20210225221011/https://www.atari...

snvzz3 months ago

The "in this arbitrary programming language we've never used before" was a common occurrence. At some point, we were given a PDF manual of some MIPS clone as well as a simulator.

In University, you were supposed to just pick these skills up all by yourself.

jjice3 months ago

My compilers course was definitely the hardest, most rewarding, and most fun course I took. I got to take it my last semester and barely squeezed in since it was a grad course and I was an undergrad, but I had taken the professor's Programming Language Theory course (which was brutal) and he emailed me as soon as a spot was available (thank you Professor Fluet).

My prof maintained a notable SML compiler, so the language we developed our compiler for was an SML style language that was statically typed, type inferred, and functional (very capable language). From parsing, to type checking, to code gen, to optimization, every project in that class was so much fun. I hate a lot of late nights with four or five tmux windows open tracking down errors, but I don't regret any of those. Aced everything in that class except the exam on parser algos (did not study as well as I should have).

That class made me realized that I can probably write any code I needed to, assuming I had some reading on the existing domain. Huge confidence booster.

rochak3 months ago

[CS 402 - Operating Systems][1] at USC during my Master's. I really wanted to develop a mini kernel which I couldn't do in my Bachelor's. This course blew every other thing I ever did out of the water. Was a big reality check too. Fortunately, I had good people around me (thanks Prof. Bill!) who made it easier to squeeze the most out of it. Till this day, it is hardest stuff I have done. Only [MIT's 6.824 Distributed Systems][2] course came close which I couldn't finish as I was going at it all alone (to satiate my Distributed Systems curiosity) and hit a wall. I really hope to get around finishing it someday as it, I believe, will take me to the next level just like CS 402 did.

[1]: https://merlot.usc.edu/cs402-s23/ [2]: https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.824/

commandersaki3 months ago

I took an advanced algorithms course at uni which was purely programming projects, code must be written in either C or C++, and this was on the quarter system. Professor would just give a quick overview of the projects and used class for q&a which most students didn't partake in.

The first was to implement a search algorithm that combines binary search and interleaving search which was pretty easy.

The second was to implement a prime number generator that generates >=1024-bit prime numbers without relying on bignum library. I miserably failed at this, been meaning to revisit this (over 15 years since).

The third was to implement a huffman encoder/decoder and an lz77 compressor/decompressor. Huffman was easy, but I found lz77 pretty difficult to implement efficiently (poor choice of data structure for the dictionary and phrase search on my part). I got a very minor deduction for the implementation not being quick.

Despite not doing well I hold the course in high regard.

pi3ce3 months ago

I would not call it challenging, but it was a fun and interesting experience. Learning functional programming through the CS 3110 course at Cornell University Here is the link: https://courses.cs.cornell.edu/cs3110/2021sp/textbook/

The OCaml part is free, well structured and does not take long to complete.

a_tartaruga3 months ago

This class was so fun. I remember a lot of people did find it difficult too.

alabhyajindal3 months ago

I'm taking this right now. Super fun!

wavemode3 months ago

I don't know how much this applies to other institutions, but speaking personally, my undergrad Operating Systems course very much threw the students to the wolves.

It wasn't one of those "memorize the textbook and you'll be fine" type of classes. It was a "do a bunch of independent research and figure a whole lot of things out for yourself" type of class.

michaeljx3 months ago

Same here. After doing Java the entire first year, the second year we did a 6-hour course for C, and then had to write a ram-disk for a toy Linux operating system. We had to write the code, compile, boot in the new system, run a specific test suite, and repeat till the test passed. I am still not sure how we got the tests to pass, but I remember praying to the computer gods at one point, as well as a bunch of boot&hope development.

StefanBatory3 months ago

At my uni that class has ~30% passing rate depending on teacher.

mike90hn3 months ago

Is this the course: Hack the kernel - https://ops-class.org/ ?

goda903 months ago

Maybe it was just how tough on grading my professor was but I had a hard time with a class called "Concepts of Programming Languages". It covered stuff like syntax, typing, garbage collection, etc. My professor was on the Racket dev team, and the whole class was done in Racket. He was actually pretty thorough about recording lectures and notes so it can be found here: https://jeapostrophe.github.io/courses/2013/fall/330/course/

Ologn3 months ago

Probably the hardest CS undergraduate course I took was "Principles of Programming Languages" which was similar to this, and another course mentioned in this thread. Not sure if it was not taught well or was just inherently difficult. Covered programming paradigms (object-oriented - Java, functional - Common Lisp, and logical - Prolog), designing a language with an abstract syntax tree and then parsing and executing it etc. A lot to cram into one course I guess.

sloaken3 months ago

I took a similar class. What surprised me was that depending on the teacher the classes were significantly different. For most of my friends it was more of a survey of different programming languages. They covered like 4 r 5 languages.

When I took it, the teacher taught LISP to start with, then taught us about compilers, BNF grammar, tokenizing, lex, yacc etc. We had write a compiler (translator) to compile the BNF code we were given. The BNF was a stripped down Pascal. Think ints, for loops, if statements, long expressions (abc * bxy - (delta/time .... I think variable names where like normal. Implementing BNF was very much a recursion exercise.

I did not like the teacher, but it really upped my programming skills.

sim7c003 months ago

got a book Low Level Programming by igor zhirkov. IT's not technically a course, but he wrote it for his teaching (his classes won a lot, a lot of prizes).

It's ofcourse, about low level programming, but since, the lower levels underpin the higher ones, for me the most useful thing was this book.

It was a super challenge for me personally (no degree in computing or anything), and working through it i felt more things click than any other resource i tapped into before. I feel i understand much better in any language now, what actually happens on the PC, and how to go about investigating what happens if i do not. (finding specifications, isa documents, documentation on interpreters of scripts etc. etc., learning to read code/sources.)

That being said, do you have a specific direction in which you want to improve? Because this obviously leans towards a specific flavor of programming, where it's maybe not as useful if you want a different flavor. I know many good/professional programmers who know nothing of this stuff and are really really good in their own domains.

hnthrow098767op3 months ago

I have some project ideas but they are too complex for me. I have domain knowledge but my programming skills are lacking + lots of ambiguity/confusion/uncertainty/fuziness while implementing.

I haven't delved into low level programming much but I will give it a shot. I do mostly scripting and automation - I want to improve my programming skills to the next level.

sim7c003 months ago

What 'type' of project ideas are this? don't need to share the idea, but in general: webapp,networkapp, desktopapp, does it have a GUI, is it a CLI tool, etc.

These different types will likely have very different learning paths and things for you to explore that will get you to a practical skill level in the areas you want quicker than going the assembly -> c -> c++ -> script engines route for example. This last one is really a long journey (to me atleast), and it will bare fruits only near the end unless you're into embedded stuff because hardly any apps these days are written in such languages (c++ being a bit more common).

hnthrow098767op3 months ago

I want to build a desktop gui app. Similar projects have 10000+ loc. It's math heavy and sometimes too complex for me while implementing. I haven't used chatgpt much because I wanted to improve my programming skills.

sim7c003 months ago

chatGPT is a bit like google or stackoverflow etc, but maybe more directed. Don't use it's code as it's nonsensical mostly, but it can definitely summarize well what directions to take.

Other then that, if it's math-heavy/complex, maybe start with parts. try to identify what you want to be libraries and core logic etc.

you could start by making a math library in C, maybe with some bindings to a higher lvl language you want to write the GUI code in. It will be quite a project in itself already, and once done, you have part of your goal completed.

Selecting, testing and experimenting with GUI code is also tricky. There's tons of different libraries out there. You can use existing, or even write openGL/Vulkan code and write your own. If cross-platformness is important, maybe look at things like .net maui etc. as it has that feature as a core feature.

Also, before writing anything, look into how to structure such large projects. Structuring your project will help in many ways, including deciding how to break up the project, where to start potentially etc. etc.

There's many ways that lead to rome, but most will be 'chunk it up untill the size of steps is so small you feel confident you can take a step, then take it'.

hnthrowaway03283 months ago

Feed your idea to ChatGPT and it can give you some basic ideas about what to learn.

gwbas1c3 months ago

As far as challenging goes:

Networking: Not really "difficult" concepts, but the teacher had a chip on his shoulder. The programming assignments were "fun challenging", and I think if the course was taught at a slower pace, it would have sunk in better.

Assembly: I personally didn't struggle too much, but a lot of the class did. My secret was that I had read a little bit about assembly programming in high school, and realized that I had to force myself to follow "structured programming patterns." (If true goto true else goto false.) (I also programmed with a lot of GOTOs as a kid, so I knew enough not to make a mess.) I remember showing one of my high-score assignments to another kid in class, it "clicked," and they told me that if they realized that they could make their code kinda look like normal structured code it would be much easier.

(Also, I forgot that I really, really struggled with the first assignment, which was to write "hello world" using the DOS debugger. That was the angriest I ever got in college.)

As far as "not limited to programming courses":

Foundations of Computer Science: This was difficult because of the professor. They really didn't click or empathize with the class. Most of the class was about regular expressions. They never made sense to me, so now I just have ChatGPT write them for me.

Compilers: I really, really enjoyed the homework, but again, difficult because of the professor. It basically picks up the theory from Foundations of Computer Science.

One thing I noticed was that theoretical CS classes at my school had professors who didn't really understand the students and their goals. Most of us were targeting software engineering careers: The professors would often get us lost in the theory and not bring it back to concrete terms.

Suppafly3 months ago

Not programming, but all the math classes that were required as part of the major. Most of the programming classes were challenging in that type 2 or type 3 fun way, where they are challenging but you lowkey enjoyed the challenge. That said, I went to a bit of 'java school' so the programming classes weren't as tough as some other schools.

Automata is a good one to give you some understanding of how things work 'underneath'. The different algorithm ones are good because by implementing algorithms from scratch you learn how they actually work and that helps inform when you'd choose specific ones. I find that a decent background in algorithms is what really separates the self taught folks from the college educated ones.

Database programming was kinda tough, at least the theory side of it, because relational algebra and relational calculus are complicated and the whole normalizing databases during the design stage of things.

piercebot3 months ago

Finite Automata and the Theory of Computation.

Lots of Turing Machines and constructing proofs. I'm not sure I would have passed if it wasn't for my friend who worked with me on the homework.

shnkr3 months ago


open_3 months ago


I think they mean 'Mon Ami'

treesknees3 months ago

If you want to get more technical, lean in to the Electrical Engineering department and find some courses there. You'll learn a lot about the underlying hardware and logic that your programming is interfacing with.

If you want to learn about applying your skills more successfully, look into an area where you think you'll be working. Most people don't graduate with a CS degree and start working on compilers. I worked at a network vendor where we made firewalls/routers, a lot of our programmers didn't have a clue how customers implemented our products in the real world. In that case, taking networking and security courses would be beneficial.

muzani3 months ago

Operating Systems back in uni (UNSW). Hack your own mutex in two weeks, then hack virtual memory in two weeks, then hack a file system in two weeks. Of course we have other classes with their own assignments too, so you'd have to get all this done within a day.

What's great about it vs other courses is you had to understand an extremely complex thing and learn to modify it, instead of building something from scratch. In the real world, many things are not documented or misdocumented, so it's a vital skill to be able to understand how something works from the code.

criddell3 months ago

The title asks specifically for a programming course but the post text says not to limit to programming courses. It's a little confusing.

Programming is something you will get better at as you do it, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Instead I would look for computer science courses that interest you and a course outside of comp sci that requires a lot of writing. Although technical writing is probably what you will be mostly doing, consider taking a creative writing or a critical reading course.

hnthrow098767op3 months ago

I edited the description after reading some replies here.I will try to improve on those aspects you have mentioned and on writing clearly. Thanks

edit: I wasn't looking for programming courses exactly but I thought they might suffice. I haven't graduated yet and I love to work on challenging stuff in my free time.

Turing_Machine3 months ago

Well, it depends on what you consider challenging:

Most work in terms of hours spent: compilers (you had to write one from scratch)

Hardest due to inherent difficulty of the material: theory of computation. Turing Machines and the Halting Problem and such weren't too bad (well, duh) but some of the more advanced stuff was pretty challenging, at least to me.

Hardest due to the material being a collection of bizarre recipes and jumping all over the mathematical map: tie between an undergrad numerical methods course and a graduate modeling and simulations course. It wasn't conceptually difficult to write the code, but understanding exactly why it worked was a different story. I've never been good at memorizing stuff unless I understand how it works (advanced statistics suffers from a similar glut of "magic recipes", in my experience).

Edit: the compilers class was the one that's proven to be the most useful over the rest of my life. I've written specialized parsers and so on a bunch of times.

I've never used the stuff from theory of computation again, nor can I imagine that anyone would who wasn't a researcher in that area.

I could see numerical methods being useful if I did a lot of down and dirty work with the physical world, but I mostly haven't done that..

impostervt3 months ago

Computer Graphics back at Virginia Tech. No libraries, build the 3d yourself. I learned a lot in that class, including the fact that I did not want to make games for a living.

xandrius3 months ago

Well, doing it at that level is indeed quite tiresome.

When you move up a level or two, you'll see that making games can be pretty fun!

melvinroest3 months ago

Binary and Malware Analysis (x64, ida pro)

Hardware security (implementing rowhammer in JS powered by WebGL)

These were by far my hardest courses. One course that comes somewhat close is a course in Buddhism (meditatie en paychologie - meditation and psychology). The issue is that I didn’t have prerequisite knowledge. The psych part was easy. Reading a 1000 year old Burmese text on Buddhism/meditation at that time had so many crazy traps that it was just fascinating how wrong I interpreted that text.

Easiest course that I took: social psychology

Best course that I took: a teacher that said “I am too lazy to teach. Just make a cool project.” I taught myself iOS development and made an iPhone app that led to a job for a year creating an iPad app

All at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Most fun course: technology & games. Creating a game with unity3d and publishing a paper, that was fun. This was at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. The course doesn’t exist anymore sadly

mettamage3 months ago

Binary and Malware Analysis (x64, ida pro)

Hardware security (implementing rowhammer in JS powered by WebGL)

At the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

These were by far my hardest courses. One course that comes somewhat close is a course in Buddhism (meditatie en paychologie - meditation and psychology). The issue is that I didn’t have prerequisite knowledge. The psych part was easy. Reading a 1000 year old Burmese text on Buddhism/meditation at that time had so many crazy traps that it was just fascinating how wrong I interpreted that text.

Easiest course that I took: social psychology

Best course that I took: a teacher that said “I am too lazy to teach. Just make a cool project.” I taught myself iOS development and made an iPhone app that led to a job for a year creating an iPad app

ivan_gammel3 months ago

Cryptography in masters program of Moscow State University. Although it’s usually more challenging to learn something new before it reaches university courses…

Edit: noticed that it’s not just about programming. Then it’s complex analysis and theoretical physics at MIPT. Most computer science problems felt simple compared to that stuff.

bobosha3 months ago

fermigier3 months ago

A course on abstract interpretation [1], taught by Radhia [2] and Patrick [2] Cousot at ENS in 1989. To my shame, I must admit that I didn't appreciate it at the time.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_interpretation

[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radhia_Cousot

[3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Cousot

Galanwe3 months ago

Very close to my experience, the most challenging course I had was "Semantics" during the 2nd year of Magistère. To this day I'm not sure I fully understand what I was taught during that course.

thebackup3 months ago

I took a functional programming in Haskell course first year in Uni without having much previous programming experience at all. Quite early in the course we were tasked with implementing a huge bidirectional graph and an efficient shortest path algorithm for finding the fastest way between any two nodes. I hadn’t taken any DSA course and was totally unaware of graphs and shortest path algorithms and the course material was pure Haskell syntax. I failed miserably and so did most of the others.

[deleted]3 months agocollapsed

digitalsushi3 months ago

UNH CS 720, OS programming ... it was basically posix programming in C. All my cohorts told me not to take it cause I wasn't going to pass it. I busted my butt and I clawed a B-. I basically worked a 40 hour week on that single class, sometimes more. My entire CS degree was a struggle. What a great value - that degree dealt me into a domain I wouldn't have had access to on my own. I have felt very blessed since then.

the_gastropod3 months ago

My Numerical Methods class always felt just a bit beyond what my brain was capable of understanding. It was easily the most difficult course I had.

xandrius3 months ago

Probably compiler class focused on the theory aspect of it.

It was much more interesting/useful the other compiler class I took which actually had me create a parser+compiler for a made-up language. Still somewhat challenging to think in that way, as it's not the usual way to process data.

high_na_euv3 months ago

Why was the theory more interesting?

I didnt enjoy it at all nor found it very useful, meanwhile practice was really useful and satisfying

xandrius3 months ago

I said that the practical was better for me. The theory killed me.

wwilim3 months ago

Uni would've been way easier if they taught us TDD in the 1st semester instead of the 5th

orwin3 months ago

Either my Ocaml course or my prolog course. In the end, I managed to use Ocaml, but endofunctors are still a mystery to me, while I managed to build half a prolog in common lisp (the inference engine part), so I'll say Ocaml.

efortis3 months ago

In Computer Engineering, my most challenging course was “Communications Theory”.

m_ke3 months ago

Computation Learning Theory with Rocco at Columbia. Proof heavy course where you spend the whole time deriving bounds of learning algorithms, average on exams and take home assignments was like 40/100

nsb13 months ago

Compiler Design. Dragon book and all. Learned a ton from that class

chirau3 months ago

In undergrad, Operating Systems was pretty challenging. (Duke)

classified3 months ago

My brain regularly explodes once it comes close enough to delimited continuations. I haven't even understood what a "prompt" is in that context.

atlintots3 months ago

CSC265: Enriched Data Structures and Algorithms (UofT)

CoastalCoder3 months ago

Ed Lamagna's "Algorithms and Data Structures" course at Univ. of Rhode Island.

I really had to work for that class, but the payoff was tremendous.

cpach3 months ago

Out of curiosity, what textbooks did you use in that course?

CoastalCoder3 months ago

IIRC, we used handouts that he photocopied from various sources. I don't think there was a textbook.

mamcx3 months ago

If you wanna something that will require most of the options in the other answer here: Database engine.

The Pavlov course is good.

entropyie3 months ago

Formal methods in Z notation or predicate logic in prolog... Still have nightmares 20 years later.

mpalfrey3 months ago

+1 for formal methods in Z. I've still got the book at my dad's house.

My first year of uni also had a pretty evil pure maths course which was worth a high percentage of the year. Not much fun.

high_na_euv3 months ago

If you are searching for challenges, then whats the point of limiting yourself to school level?

hnthrow098767op3 months ago

I haven't graduated out of university yet.

I would appreciate anything that's challenging and helps me improve my programming skills.

high_na_euv3 months ago

Go for compilers then

It will significantly improve your understanding of programming langs, how some of them suck, what is possible, etc, etc.

tiberious7263 months ago

It's not a course, but I definitely recommend the book "Deep C Secrets", I couldn't put it down, and had a similar feeling to being in a good, difficult, class.

reportgunner3 months ago

I guess the first one ?

A course being challenging is not a good indicator of its quality I think.

mikel1233 months ago

Check out cses.fi not a programming course per se but still relevant.

cranberryturkey3 months ago

I took an advanced perl class at the local JC back in 2003.

herodoturtle3 months ago

Denthor’s tuts, aged 11

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