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Show HN: API for Internet Brand Data brand.dev

mtmail3 months ago

I'm surprised the homepage doesn't show an example API call, I assumed the target audience are developers.

The API returns a JSON representation of, for example, https://world.brand.dev/brand/amazon.com given 'amazon.com'. URLs to images, height, width.

Prices are listed after creating an account: $49/month - Up to 1000 API calls per month $99/month - Up to 3000 API calls per month

When I tried the cUrl call (copy&paste from the dashboard) I got an error "{"message":"Unauthorized: Invalid token"}"

ICodeSometimesop3 months ago

> I'm surprised the homepage doesn't show an example API call, I assumed the target audience are developers.

Yeah that's 100% a fair call-out, adding one now.

> Prices are listed after creating an account: $49/month - Up to 1000 API calls per month $99/month - Up to 3000 API calls per month

Just added a pricing page and linked to it from the navigation bar. https://brand.dev/pricing

> When I tried the cUrl call (copy&paste from the dashboard) I got an error "{"message":"Unauthorized: Invalid token"}"

Yeah this was a ridiculous bug on my end, apologies, it's fixed now!


Thanks for the feedback. Happy to throw some credits on your account if you'd like to take it for a whirl! [email protected]

rgmvisser3 months ago

Interesting, going to try this. Now I am manually styling my demos, but this would make it much easier!

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