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Show HN: Simple script to cripple personalized targeting from Facebook gist.github.com

bqmjjx0kac6 days ago

This got a little stuck on a few of the `.click()` calls for me. Here's my version:

    const wait = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    const getElementsByAriaLabel = (label) => document.querySelectorAll(`[aria-label="${label}"]`);
    const getElementsByRoleAndWidth = (role, width) =>
        Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`[role="${role}"]`)).filter(el => el.clientWidth === width);
    const getElementsByText = (text) => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('*')).filter(el =>
        Array.from(el.childNodes).some(node => node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.textContent.includes(text))

    async function clickAndWait(elem) {
        if (!elem)
        await wait();

    await clickAndWait(getElementsByText("See more")[0]);

    const ads = getElementsByRoleAndWidth('listitem', 508);

    for (const ad of ads) {
        await clickAndWait(ad.childNodes[0]);

        await clickAndWait(getElementsByText('They uploaded or used a list to reach you.')[0]);

        const dont_allow_btns = getElementsByText('Don\'t allow');
        for (const btn of dont_allow_btns) {
        await wait();

        await clickAndWait(getElementsByAriaLabel('Back')[2]);
        await clickAndWait(getElementsByAriaLabel('Back')[2]);

bqmjjx0kac6 days ago

Lol, I got hit with this: "You're Temporarily Blocked: It looks like you were misusing this feature by going too fast. You’ve been temporarily blocked from using it."

Anyone using this may want to s/1000/2000/ on the first line.

jazzyjackson6 days ago

I got this message once without even trying, I was just clicking the button for "see why this ad was shown to you" and it was always "You are in the USA and 18-35" which seemed pretty vague for very relevant ads. I never understood why they give the option if A. you don't want me to actually check B. you're not going to tell me how you knew I was in the market for a vacuum cleaner

ssss116 days ago

For the facade of caring about user privacy - “look regulators, we even go so far as to tell you why you were shown ads!”

exabrial5 days ago

Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 2000

metadat6 days ago

Safer bet: 5000ms.

maltelau6 days ago

I wonder if hn (or wherever else this was posted) is big enough to register on the ads-vs-adblocker war.

Ads are 509 pixels wide coming in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

clickAndWait is always good! :)

junto6 days ago

Cool script.

My hack is to live in a country where the local language is not my own, and not the one I have set in my Facebook settings.

As a result, Facebook rarely has advertisements that can target me, because my language has been filtered out by the advertisers.

When one does appear, it’s nearly always in the local language, so I’m kind of deaf to it and I’m not going to actively respond to anyway.

Luckily they haven’t figured that out yet, even though I’ve been an Facebook user for many years.

stavros6 days ago

My hack is to live in a country that forces Facebook to give me an opt-out, and then I click "no" when Facebook asks.

useEffect6 days ago

my hack is just to not have facebook

willcipriano6 days ago

My hack is being just young enough that having a Facebook would make me feel old.

gerdesj6 days ago

You have rather succinctly noted that sodding huge walled off communities come and go, with time. ::FAC3:B00C: is already very old school and largely irrelevant. They just haven't noticed yet.

Whither Geocities and Compuserve?

398968806 days ago

Facebook makes shadow profiles of you anyway

somat6 days ago

Then facebook gets to track my shadow self.

scubbo6 days ago

Why would a person who objects to Facebook tracking them via their actual profile not object to Facebook tracking them via inferences?

serf6 days ago

because the far-parent problem was 'facebook has ads that target me.'

an easy way to avoid the problem of seeing ads on facebook is.. to avoid facebook.

yes, this doesn't solve the privacy and ad-affiliate network problem -- but that wasn't the stated problem.

ryandrake6 days ago

Yea they can track my shadow profile all they want and I don’t care. I don’t visit them so they aren’t showing me ads.

398968806 days ago

They lease your behavior to other advertisers, insurance companies, loan guarantors…

bcg3615 days ago

Source? It's always been my understanding that while smaller players do this, the major ad players - Meta, Google, etc - never do this: Data on everyone is their greatest competitive advantage, and they don't want to give it away!

gmhafiz6 days ago

How do they know what my behaviours are if I don't have Facebook?

EVa5I7bHFq9mnYK6 days ago

You don't have, but many sites you visit have a Facebook code hidden in their pages that sends data about any visitor to Facebook. Thus Facebook knows a lot about you even if you don't have an account.

scubbo6 days ago

Fair point!

bravetraveler6 days ago

I'll answer but I don't think you want one/it... They're different. That's why. Simple.

One you're giving them information/still seeing ads

The other, they're guessing and you're free from the mind rot. Distance surely hurts their accuracy.

Can't stop them guessing but you can stop being their authoritative source. You've heard the whole, "we're in charge of our response, not the problem", right?

scubbo5 days ago

That's a great answer, thank you! Yeah, "someone non-consensually has low-accuracy information on me" is experientially different than "someone is using (more-accurate) information on me to serve me ads". The former's still not _great_ (they can still pass that information to other people which could lead to bad experiences), but it's still much better than the latter. Thanks for the clarification!

inferiorhuman6 days ago

I have a hard time believing that Facebook does a particularly good job with its shadow profiles. They can't even figure out which continent I live on or narrow my age down to more than a couple decades off.

For the times I need to wade thru the muck mbasic + adblock means the only ads I see are recommended groups. Those are usually history geeks focused on cities thousands of miles away from anywhere I've been in the past decade.

m11176 days ago

But I'm addicted to the feed!

Systemmanic6 days ago

What country has this? Sounds great.

stavros6 days ago

Any EU country. Meta is also forced to ask you before associating profiles between its properties, eg Facebook and Instagram.

Galaco6 days ago

Same situation for me. Basically the only ads I ever see in my native language are for American expat tax services (I’m not American, have never visited the continent and have never expressed interest in doing so).

Sometimes I wonder just how good this adtech really all is when the best they can do is figure out I speak English (browser language) and live not in an English speaking country (IP address) and just assume therefore I am American.

lancesells6 days ago

That's probably less to do with Meta and their tech than a marketer setting up their ads in the way you describe (language: english, country: yours). I'm not sure you can even target nationality at all.

namaria6 days ago

A lot of the filtering of whom to show ads to is heuristics to try and target 'high value costumers'. Getting target with very irrelevant ads might just mean you are considered low value by most advertisers so you get served ads from advertisers willing to pay very little per impression.

I'd take as a signal your online cloaking is working as intended. I often get very random ads and recommendations in languages I don't even speak so I think my online anonimity fu is working as intended.

Source - worked with ad tech a few years ago.

Tade06 days ago

I set my language to English (Pirate) a long time ago to similar effect.

The option has been removed since, making me part of an ever shrinking community of essentially random people - not a particularly interesting target for advertisers.

tgsovlerkhgsel6 days ago

Much more entertaining: Get the list of advertisers. Find the ones who aren't allowed to share your data with Facebook, e.g. due to lack of consent or because they're bound by professional secrecy (e.g. banks or health related things). Report to your local DPA.

noprocrasted6 days ago

When it comes to the UK DPA they will only even consider your complaint if you have evidence of trying to resolve the issue with the offending company directly, so it will not have the desired outcome because most companies will opt you out, removing your grounds to complain to the ICO in the first place.

Source: https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/data-protection-complain...

> You'll need: a copy of the complaint you have made to the organisation about how they have used your information

HeatrayEnjoyer6 days ago

Sounds like the perfect task to automate with an LLM. Companies can't bury you in red tape if you have red tape disposal machine.

azemetre6 days ago

What does DPA stand for? Guessing it's not Drug Policy Alliance, the first hit on Google.

josephg6 days ago

Data protection agency. Eg, Australia: https://www.oaic.gov.au/ UK: https://ico.org.uk/ EU: https://www.edps.europa.eu/_en , etc.

1vuio0pswjnm76 days ago

Data Protection Authority

"Under the law the Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) should enforce our rights in each EU member state."


List of DPAs:


david_p6 days ago

in this context, DPA usually means Data Processing Agreement.

I’m assuming GP meant DPO, for Data Protection Officer, the person responsible for enforcing GDPR (or similar laws) in a company.

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

What you suggest and what I have are not mutually exclusive, friend :3

Terr_6 days ago

Reminds me of a court case [0] proactively challenging Facebook, due to a time the company gave someone a lifetime ban [1] for making this kind of consumer-tool.

[0] https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/02/meta_facebook_tool/

[1] https://slate.com/technology/2021/10/facebook-unfollow-every...

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

A lifetime ban from Facebook would be a blessing for me :)

ryandrake6 days ago

LOL a lifetime ban from Facebook?! Whatever will we do with all that better mental health and free time from not doomscrolling all day! Don’t threaten me with a good time!

DavidPiper6 days ago

As someone who has read tons of books, articles, etc, on the addictive qualities of Facebook and the personal harm it can do - and personally observed the effects it was having on me - I STILL only deleted the Facebook app from my phone a few weeks ago.

The dissonance between what we know is good for us and our actual behaviour in the face of addiction is truly incredible.

EvgeniyZh6 days ago

Reminder to use AdNauseum [1] that will not only hide the ads but also click it, messing with targeting and spending advertisers' money at the same time.

[1] https://adnauseam.io/

mgraczyk6 days ago

What is the motivation to prefer untargeted ads over targeted ones?

tgsovlerkhgsel6 days ago

My bank telling Facebook that I'm their customer is a breach of privacy. If you care about ethics not law, it's none of Facebook's business to know who I bank with. If you don't care about ethics, only law as written, it's a breach of the law for the bank to share this information with Facebook.

And at least one European Neo-bank no longer does this. I don't think I was the only/first one to report them, and unfortunately I don't think they were fined for doing it, but I sure did report them.

xzjis6 days ago

Targeted ads are the ones that are the most likely to make you change your mind, and buy/consume something you didn't need in the first place.

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

Targeted ads can basically gangstalk you and it's psychologically uncomfortable

mgraczyk6 days ago

And you are using the term "gangstalk", which refers to a specific symptom of mental illness, ironically?

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

No, I mean the action of gangstalking

If a bunch of people analyze your psychology and then coordinate to use what they find to scare you, that's gangstalking

When an AI does it.... it's expected advertising behavior?

I don't like that double standard. Gangstalking is gangstalking.

s17n6 days ago

"A study from Australia and the United Kingdom by Lorraine Sheridan and David James[13] compared 128 self-defined victims of 'gang stalking' with a randomly selected group of 128 self-declared victims of stalking by an individual. All 128 'victims' of gang stalking were judged to be delusional, compared with only 5 victims of individual stalking."

actionfromafar6 days ago

Yeah but in this case it’s Facebook that is delusional.

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

Ah, you want to cite hair-splitting


Give me your identity

Email, phone number, address, family members, etc.

I can show you how gangstalking works with that information

Is that something you'd be willing to share here?

luqtas6 days ago

& feeling paranoia is a garantee of having mental disease?

mgraczyk6 days ago

No, but the phrase "gangstalk" refers to a specific kind of persecutory delusion.


ndriscoll6 days ago

> Gang stalking or group-stalking is a set of persecutory beliefs in which those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of people.

That is literally true though. Have you ever read one of those cookie banners to see the list of organizations stalking you at all times on the web? It's often in the high hundreds. Nearly every electronic device manufactured in the last 10 years is stalking you at all times. If you don't have an active ad blocker, they also harass you constantly in a personalized way using the information they gather by stalking you.

mgraczyk6 days ago

I'm not personally being persecuted or harassed by any companies.

bqmjjx0kac6 days ago

In the words of Kurt Cobain, "Just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you."

But I take your point. Using clinical terms in another context creates an unnecessary/unwanted association for readers.

dcgudeman6 days ago

It's definitely not a sign of mental health...

s17n6 days ago

more or less

reaperducer6 days ago


Though, if you're into privacy, you're probably not on Facebook.

But a good number of people find the kind of hyper-targeted advertising enabled by the tech industry very creepy.

Anything more granular than a billboard gives me the heebie-jeebies.

mgraczyk6 days ago

Interesting, I guess most people are unaware that running these scripts does not stop the data from being collected, because Facebook is not the one collecting most of it.

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

Yes, this script disrupts the non-Facebook actors collecting most of the data

It cuts off a refinement step

tshaddox6 days ago

Untargeted ads are presumably less profitable and thus the preference for untargeted ads is also a preference for fewer ads.

jonas216 days ago

It's the opposite. If untargeted ads generate less revenue per impression, they'll need to show you more ads to make the same amount of revenue.

reducesuffering6 days ago

They’re already trying to maximize revenue and have maximized saturation of ads until their network becomes less sticky by people getting annoyed and not using it.

So you’re getting the same number of ads either way, even if Facebook can’t make more money off you.

tshaddox4 days ago

That doesn’t really make sense. Publishers will already show you an ad every time doing so is profitable. They won’t show you an ad when it isn’t profitable.

Whatever opportunity you’re imagining where a publisher would a new ad once ads become less profitable, why wouldn’t they be showing a (more profitable) ad right now?

JohnFen3 days ago

Targeted ads require the collection of personal data that I don't want to be collected. Untargeted ads don't.

josephcsible6 days ago

I'm worried that if you use this, Facebook will permaban you for something like "using modified or unauthorized clients to interact with Facebook services".

actionfromafar6 days ago

It would still work, technically.

SSLy6 days ago

Intresting, for me the link 404's

  This page isn't available
  The link may be broken or the Page may have been removed. Check to see if the link that you're trying to open is correct.
  Go to Accounts Centre


  Uncaught SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions, async generators and modules

markussss6 days ago

I clicked around a little and I think that the correct page for me is this one, perhaps it is the correct one for you too? The script doesn't work, but it looks like it could work with some tweaking. https://www.facebook.com/adpreferences/ad_settings/?section=...

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

I've updated the script, try again! :D

Terr_6 days ago

Separately, Firefox has a feature to isolate Facebook activity from other things you do on the web.

atleta6 days ago

I don't know how well it works in practice. The other day I bought something from a local webshop (bike parts) on my laptop. The next day I'm seeing an ad from the same webshop on my Facebook feed on my mobile. Yes, it could be coincidental though I do see a lot of bike-related ads and practically never this company. (Even though I am a returning, if not very frequent customer of theirs.)

netsharc6 days ago

Some companies upload their customer data to FB because Zuck promised them then you can send ads to your existing customers.

I made the mistake of having the same email address for Facebook as for registering to random online shops...

atletaa day ago

I use a separate email address basically everywhere so this can't be the reason. (I don't even use my main email address for facebook.)

stevage6 days ago

Weirdly, as much as I hate internet ads in general, I actually find the FB ones better. I've even bought some stuff from a few and been happy.

snapplebobapple6 days ago

So you are the one i need to be angry at for caving and perpetuating this bs.

atleta6 days ago

For me the correct URL seems to be: https://www.facebook.com/adpreferences/ad_settings/?section=... instead of what you have in the gist. (But the script errs on the awaits.)

winrid6 days ago

Neither the URL in the gist or this one load for me. The one in the gist seems to freeze at trying to load some modal, on fully updated Chrome.

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

Can you post screenshots of your network tab so I can calculate the intervention actors?

winrid5 days ago

Well I don't even get a chance to run the script.

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

I've updated the script, try again! :D

29athrowaway6 days ago

I heard that sites like Facebook run A/B tests all the time, and the version you get served at a given time may not be the same others see. I also suppose the version you see may be slightly different on different territories somehow.

Also, these scripts break often as they depend on observable behaviors that are not contracts. It's Hyrum's law again.

rkagerer6 days ago

Does this just impact ads shown on the site, or does it also cut down on data collection and targeting that occurs when you browse to third party sites who happen to include javascript from Facebook?

How's this technique compare to just staying logged out of Facebook? Or using it solely in a sandboxed browsing environment?

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

Even if you stay logged out, your data is collected from your mobile devices.

And even if you brick your devices and pull the battery, your data is collected by other people's mobile devices.

It all runs to data brokers in the end, and that data has a reliance on Facebook for additional refinement.

This technique impacts that refinement step.

jzig6 days ago

You sound like you have intimate knowledge of the landscape. What would be a great disruption?

[deleted]6 days agocollapsed

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

I do


It's a -HUGE- surface area to cover

When IoT and IoB comes online, it will be near impossible to stop this kind of stuff

lioeters6 days ago

For others like me who hadn't heard of IoB.

> IoB (Internet of Behavior) as an extension of the IoT, which focuses on capturing, processing, and analyzing the “digital dust” in people’s daily lives. The term ”digital dust” is a good metaphor for the traces that users leave behind in their Internet activities. As the collection of digital dust from everyday life increases, including data that spans both the digital and physical worlds, information can in turn influence users’ behaviors.

daelon6 days ago

What's IoB?

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

Internet of Bodies

Basically, the end of the world

throwaway_57536 days ago

What's the legality of a script like this? Could this be construed as a violation of the CFAA if you were a motivated/evil enough lawyer?

I recall some surprising legal outcomes in recent years, for example jail for posting fake Yelp reviews. Anyone know of any case law for this sort of scripting?

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

I truly, deeply, and honestly hope Facebook gets litigious over this

My settlement conditions are already prepared

And they are non-monetary and super simple

technion6 days ago

The part I'm finding most interesting is that I clicked this link and have never heard of pretty much any of the targeted advertisers listed there.

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

OP here, I've updated the script for a bit more robust support when dealing with slow/delayed endpoint calls! Thanks for the feedback, HN!

seadan836 days ago

Awesome script! I'm watching it run now :)

Question, could someone explain the exact impact this would have for Facebook & a person's experience with ads?

I kinda have a few guesses, but am curious if anyone can weigh in with more info, how this is crippling and overall what the effect should be. Thanks!

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

Those third parties upload the data they have about you to Facebook (clicks, cookies, times, geo, non-psychology factors)

Facebook then refines what the third-parties have with what Facebook has (enriches this coarse data with rich psychographic data that only Facebook has)

This cuts off that relationship

unstatusthequo6 days ago

What browser is this intended for? The below error comes up on Brave on MacOS. Both most up to date version.

VM172:14 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'click') at <anonymous>:14:71 (anonymous) @ VM172:14

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

Ah, that's not a browser delay. That's an internet speed issue. I'll have to add more resilience to account for that. Thanks!

unstatusthequo6 days ago

2.5Gbps on AT&T Fiber not enough? :)

bqmjjx0kac's edits worked great

grimgrin6 days ago

yeah, clicking into an advertiser has a ~5 second delay to /api/graphql/ at the moment. I was working on resiliency myself

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

Lawdy, that's a serious delay!

Okay, I'll see what I can do to wait for NETWORK_IDLE or something

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

I've updated the script, try again! :D

jeremiemyhren6 days ago

I get this on Safari on macOS: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'wait'

and this on Chrome on macOS: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'click') at <anonymous>:14:71

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

I've updated the script, try again! :D

bequanna5 days ago

This doesn't appear to recognize any existing 'Don't allow' selections and fails when you've already disallowed some advertisers.

smashah6 days ago

Godspeed good sir. When those shitheads from PerkinsCoie send you a legal threat make sure to share and shame them for it.

exabrial5 days ago

Unbelievable and incredible who hard Facebook makes this to do by hand. Completely unethical

smusamashah6 days ago

What are the actual steps using the UI if one chooses to do it manually?

GeoHubTodayop6 days ago

About 300+ manual clicks on average :/

smusamashah6 days ago

This was a dumb question from me. You open each advertisers link and click both buttons, then go back.

ThinkBeat6 days ago

and he is banned from Facebook.

(for some that is a relief for others it is serious)

exabrial5 days ago

Anyone have something like this for Google?

JojoFatsani6 days ago

Thank you OP, you're a mensch.

GLORIA905 days ago


dhanrajker6 days ago


hemarajker6 days ago


hn-front (c) 2024 voximity